Map Crossover Dota 5.6 โดย DarkWeaver
-ap (Allpick)
-ar (Allrandom)
-sd (Singledraft)
-em (Easymode)
-bp (blindpick)
CHANGELOG Crossover Dota v5.6:
- Using the Tango now gives the user a buff, which will prevent the effect from stacking
- Assists in killing now gives gold
- Recreated the bounty system when killing heroes and towers
- Added a new hero "Master Chief"
- Fixed some bugs in Rin's icons and Demon Dash
- Changed the special effects for amaterasu
- Revised Itachi
- The Castle is now changed as The Shrine
- Diamond Dust now deals magical damage
- Hellfire now deals pure damage
- Blade Release Magatama now deals magical damage
- Fixed a bug in Essence Aura
- Stone Spear now travels faster, but it's cast range reduced from 1200 to 800
- Ocarina of Time and Dark Teleport now pings the minimap when casting
- Hatred Impulse now deals magical damage, also increased the damage by 50
- Improved the Dreadful buff model
- Improved the damage of Alucard when in Control Art Restriction System mode
- Also changed Alucard's abilities when in this form
- Revised Natsu's ultimate
- Revised Orochimaru
- You can now share gold to your allies
- Ichigo's Bankai cast time reduced from 1 to 0.5
- Reduced the damage of Shana by 1
- Changed the projectile model of Ishida
- Fixed a bug related to the damage dealt by Fira
- Damage dealt by Ki Ball Rush and Death Comet are reduced
- Effects when Rin is attacking when Kurikara is enabled are brought back
- Changed the icon of Heavy Strike
- Fixed a bug when Cloud's Shiva dies
- Fixed a bug in the damage dealt by the Slam ability
- Fixed a bug in Link's Hookshot and now deals magical damage
- Revised Eggman
- Fixed the outdated description of Allen Walker
ดาวน์โหลด : Map Crossover Dota 5.6